Vulnerability. Something we love in others (usually) but can find difficult to offer of ourselves at times. I’ve been reading more and more of Brene Brown and learning that shame and fears of our own unworthiness (thoughts like: “if people only knew who I really was, they would reject me”) can be the big obstacles that keep us from sharing our true selves with the world. But you know the other option? Focusing on self protection while never being truly seen or known by another human being. And you know what that leads to? Shallow relationships that lack connection and a life that is devoid of true joy. (Yes, God is enough. But He built us for community and connection and the abundant life is not lived alone). One of the cool things about faith is that when we learn to put our hopes and fears and needs and trust solely in God, we start becoming more and more brave in our human relationships as a natural byproduct – because when you know you are loved and accepted by the Father, (potential) rejection from man stings less and less.
Beth Moore says courage comes from a heart that is convinced it is loved. I’m learning the extreme weight of this truth. I’m praying for all of us that we would grow more and more convinced of how loved we really are, that we might be bold and brave in our relationships and love people with our full hearts, not holding back for fearing being hurt! ️