Can I testify to a miracle? Here it is: Someone disagreed with me and no one died. I say this is a miracle because we live in a world where the majority don’t know how to disagree healthily and everyone is walking around so OFFENDED.
Both parties in an exchange are responsible for their actions:
It is important the “expresser” says/writes responsibly. I often hear people throw around the phrase, “I spoke the truth in love” as an excuse for hurting people. Not everyone will like truth (many were offended by Jesus), but the delivery is what is important. Check your heart – are you being motivated by love in your expression? Or are you motivated by anger, fear, frustration or a desire to be right/prove a point? Can you see the value in the person you are approaching as a beloved child of God, made in His image, even if they never, ever agree with you? If you can’t, you should probably pray for them instead of talk to or about them.
If you are the person receiving the message, you also have responsibility. First and foremost, that is to assume the best of the other’s intention. So many relationships are broken due to a simple misunderstanding that could have been avoided by assuming the best. We all have filters from our past wounds that make us take on hurtful stuff the author was not in any way even saying. (I could probably post a picture of a puppy and get at least 3 angry DMs about it for some reason or another). If what you are hearing/seeing is something truly offensive (ie: racism, perversion, etc), the truth is that hurt people, hurt people. You can ask God to reveal what is broken in that person to make them act that way and ask how you can help. When you partner with God in their restoration, you may be surprised to find that your biggest enemy turns into a friend. If you don’t yet have God’s heart of love and redemption for them, you should probably not confront them until you do.
Finally, in this world of social media where everyone has a very public opinion – if you do confront biblically, you will always go to the person privately at first. Vomiting all over your mutual friends/an IG comment section is not what Jesus would do. It’s what people who are too chicken to have an honest conversation would do. Be brave.
You are loved by the God of the universe who while we were yet sinners, took on our sin so that we might take on His righteousness and become children of God. When you REALLY understand that, you are able to express yourself in a way that minimizes offense to your audience and you are able to overlook the offenses of others as God has overlooked yours. **
We don’t have to agree, to love. ❤️